Monday, November 25, 2013


WHO was Spartacus? - the gladiator, a man from Thrace, a barbarian.
WHAT did he do? - he lead the army against the legion of Rome, he started a great revolt against Rome and wanted war.
WHY did he do it? - he started a war for people who were slaves or poor people who wanted a different lifestyle.
WHEN did it happen? - born in 109 BC, events is 73-71 BC.
WHERE did it happen? - from Thrace, then taken to Rome, then to Capua to be a pro fighter,  after they break out of their prison they run to MT Vesuvius in a revolt against Rome, their army traveled around Rome and took out several armies that Rome tried to send his way.
HOW did it end? - a war is brought when a wall and trench is put up, when they finally got by, they were eventually were overtaken by 3 large armies and died in a heroic way.
WAS HE A HERO OR A VILLAIN? - He died a hero, because he lead others to fight for what is good, against slaves fighting to he death and to have a better life.

Roman religion

Roman Religion-
 Was a modified version of the greek gods. were myriad ( accepted other things  to other conquered religions. The top three gods were known as the Archaic Triad. they were Jupiter, Mars, Neptune

The Roman Gladiators- The games were held in honor of the dead manes and spirits. was fought between everything you can imagine man v animal, man v man, woman v woman, everything. were often times slaves.

Monarchy to republic (question)

A republic is a form of government where the affairs of a state are a matter of the public. Rome was a monarchy until Superbus was expelled by the people. They elected consoles to become a republic.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


ruled from: 37-41 AD 

Caligula was a member of the house of rulers known as the Julio-Claudian dynasty
Father's name was Germanicus, his father was the nephew and adopted son of Emperor Tiberius. Germanicus was a very successful general and one of Rome's most beloved public figures. 
Caligula was born in Antium, he was the third child out of six. Brothers were Nero and Drusus. 
Sisters were Agrippina the YoungerJulia Drusilla, and Julia Livilla. 


Caligula was Roman Emperor from 37 AD to 41 AD.
Caligula recalled exiles, and stopped many taxes that Tiberius did. 
He gave people gifts to show that he appreciated their cooperation. 
He arrested Senjanus because Senjanus he wanted so much power and he needed to be put down.
 At the time Caligula was not in great power over him, so he could not do that yet. 
After the arrest everyone was happy and thanked Caligula for what he did. 
Caligula was assassinated, and died. 


Sexually attracted to children and animals.
Murdered entire family to keep power.
Coma made him mad.
He had a passion for his sisters and had sex with them.
He got Drusilla pregnant, and they got married.
Caligula had many wives, and got most of them pregnant 

Third Roman Emperor.
Rome's most crazy Emperor

Cause of death:
24 January 41AD
died at age 28
Cassius and 2 military colleagues 
Caligula stabbed to death
Cassius murdered other surviving relatives 
Fourth wife stabbed
Baby daughter's skull smashed against the wall

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

roman timeline

rome is founded as a city and kingdom by romulus. It is strategically located atop seven hills on a bend    in the tiber river 20 miles inland from the Mediterranean sea.